Enhancing Resiliency

In the midst of a global health crisis, our connected, digital economy has allowed many companies, workers, and consumers to continue to do business.  This built in resiliency has undoubtedly help blunt the economic downturn.   Knowing the climate crisis is coming, businesses that make strategic investments in digital solutions across management systems, operations, supply chain, and decision-making processes to account for economic, regulatory, and environmental risks will be in the most secure position to meet long-term growth and decarbonization goals. The ability of businesses, states, and communities to become resilient in the face of resource scarcity, changing market standards, industry disruptions, and unforeseen global developments is shaped by policy. The Digital Climate Alliance provides a platform to bring together policymakers and private sector industry and nonprofit leaders who are on the path to net-zero to reshape the dialogue around business resiliency and lead the transition to a low-carbon economy.


Achieving Transparency